Houssem Abida


Heritage dosen’t mean museums and just old souvenirs. Heritage is daily evolution and : That’s something Interferences Festival prooved to me last year, and encouraged me to mork more on this point with all tools possible. In fact, all projects in the medina are strongly linked. For example, during Interferences festival, the number of views of Wikipedia articles our team in MedinaPedia wrote increased enormously and helped us reach our main goal which is to make people know more about heritage. And that’s why we want to repeat the experience this year with Djerba.

[1]  Wikipedia writing workshop // Impact of festivals on Wikipedia researches // How to write a wikipedia article


Houssem is discovering his heritage and surrounding culture, and trys to promote it to people who are not aware of its wealth, but in a new modern way. He also, works on the SDGs(Sustainable Development Goals) of the United Nations throught projects and trainings. He was given the title of Arab Youth ChangeMaker by the United Nations Development Program.


Since 2017 |  Tunisia Chapter National Office Representative of the African Union Students’Council
Since 2016 | Beb 18
Since 2015 | Carthagina member
Since 2014 | Medicine School of Tunis
Since 2012 | Junior Chamber International
