The first time I met Aymen and Bettina, I was instantly impressed by their enthusiasm, energy, and openness. I encouraged Aymen to think about a project inside Tunisia but outside of Tunis and his first words were “Djerba, the place where I am from”. I know from my own background how essential and beautiful it is to go back to your roots – for yourself and for the location. So I am very happy to be invited being part of this project, that Aymen and Bettina are bringing into the world.
[1] Workshop: Impact of Cultural Policies? Reflecting on German Cultural Policy
The work of Neda Pouryekta is focused on international projects, that are dealing with art, culture, and society. She is especially interested in works, that make possible perceiving life and the world from another perspective.
2013 Festival International Cinema Libre | Hamburg
2012 Out of the Slum | Essen, Marktkirche
2010 Out of the Slum | Essen, Hinterhaus
Since 2014 | ifa – Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, Stuttgart
2012 -2013 | German Academic Exchange Servie DAAD | Salahaddin University | Erbil (iq)
Until 2011 | Studies of Socioloy and of Oriental and Islamic Studies (Master of Arts) | University Bochum (de) | University of Sana’a in Sana’a (ye)